Distinct Youth
Distinct Youth is a mentoring program that encourages and equips youth to be their best and live at their highest potential. We walk alongside young men and ladies and help them grow as individuals, in their relationship with others, and in their relationship with God.
1 Thessalonians 2:8
"Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us."
Distinct Manhood
Helping youth and young men walk in their God-given manhood, make wise decisions, and own their future. Distinct Manhood is a ministry track within the Distinct Youth program.
Helping young ladies and women reclaim and walk in their God-given destiny and successfully navigate life. Ladies of Distinction is a ministry track within the Distinct Youth program.
Athletic College Tour
A seven-day Athletic Summer College Tour that gives high school football players exposure to, and the opportunity of exploring future collegiate and career possibilities.

Football 2 Faith
A two-day summer camp led by NFL players and former college athletes for youth ages 7-18. Youth learn football from a NFL perspective, while incorporating the importance and power of faith.

Gifts & Gospel
Each year we bless a number of families for Christmas with gifts and the gospel. It is our hope to alleviate the stress & hardships that many families experience during the holiday season.

Financial Literacy
Helping youth, young adults, and families grow in knowledge and implementation of effective financial skills to improve their current and future financial state.